
Read articles posted every few weeks.

Current Status of Turborockën as of October, or as we say, Rocktober

Here’s a quick update of what’s going at at Turborockën.  We’ve moved on to the Turborocket Mk V design.  This unit has now been fabricated, and we are preparing the test stand for hot-fire testing.  Cold flow testing of the injectors allowed the computation of the injector orifice discharge coefficients. Also, the Turborocket design and analysis book is now more or less complete, at least, the manuscript of the book is complete.  There’s still a lot of…

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Turborock….en: What’s with all the Diacritic Marks?

The last e in Turborockën has four diacritic marks, or two pairs of a type of diacritic mark (we can only show one pair here, because, you know…).    So, what’s the deal with that?  Well, it turns out that the written English language actually uses a pair of diacritic marks, which are sometimes taken to be “umlauts”, a type of diacritic mark used in other written languages, notably German.  When used in English, these marks indicate…

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The Essential Turborocket

For the first line of the first post on the first website regarding all things Turborockën, I thought it appropriate to start with an equation. And not just any equation, but the equation that quantifies the essential Turborocket. To go into the details of what this equation means and why it characterizes the Turborocket is beyond the scope of this first post, and is a task for future posts, future projects, and future generations. It must therefore…

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